Did you know that stress can make your cat sick?

It is universally known that cats are animals of habit, who hate change. However, perhaps not everyone knows that stress can have dramatic consequences on the health of our feline.

In fact, continuous discomfort causes changes in the cat’s organism, both on a hormonal and psychological level. These alterations expose the cat to a large number of diseases, even very dangerous ones:

– Infections: stress weakens the immune system, paving the way for viruses responsible for diseases such as rhinotracheitis and infectious peritonitis

– Urinary problems: stressed cats are often affected by cystitis, because alterations in metabolism, due to the constant state of nervousness, alter the bladder wall

– Dermatitis: many cats vent their frustration with obsessive cleaning, licking their fur until they tear it and irritate the skin

– Diabetes: stress is one of the factors that facilitate the onset of feline diabetes, because it causes an increase in blood sugar

– Behavioral problems: Stressed cats can become apathetic, aggressive or excessively fearful and anxious

To help prevent these threats, it is essential to better manage stressful situations such as moves, new arrivals in the family or travel.

To help the cat in these situations, we can use specifically formulated complementary feeds.

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